رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Model Validation and Consistency "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 150893
Doc. No : ET22685
Main Entry : Serkan Gugercin
Title Proper : Model Validation and Consistency
Note : This document is digital این مدرک بصورت الکترونیکی می باشد
Abstract : This ttirsis acidrcsscs model validation. important in robust control system mod-ding. for t lit. idcntificatio~l rnetliod dcvelopctl 11x- .-\ntoulas. Given a system model.thv problwl is to asscss whether the nmdcl is consistent with the data.This work fornlulatcs the valiilation prol~lenl in the form of a quadratic optimiza-tion problcni sul~joct to a spherical constraint. This new. compt~tationally tractable111cthocl allows us to find a necessary and sufficient condition on the cncrp of tIici~lput scyr;c:xlc:e required to irlvalidatc a given nlotiel. Therefore. for a given energ-lm-~l. not all tlic models can be invalidated. For fixed noise lcvcl. the sct of invali-<la t ablcb rnoticls dccrcases as t lie cxicre of the input scqucncc decreases. Moreover.c ~ - ( ~ ~ i if i~ifi~iitc length nicasurcnlcnts are taken. tlir sct of plants wliicl~ cannot bcini-alidatcd does not shrink to the true niodcl. Thc? true rnodcl. in addition. can riel-erbr in\-alidatcd using an input of finite cncrgj+.....-...,..tested for theQ1 PC1 bus cardBoth these projects mere sofixare des elopment efforts tonards contributing to dlfferentaspects of Roboucs and lZ1echatronics projects m the Controls and Roboucs Group..
Subject : Electericl tess
: برق
electronic file name : TL45911.pdf
Title and statement of responsibility and : Model Validation and Consistency [Thesis]
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