رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" . \ h i toring ancl Opti tnizatiorl of t'o~vcr Transnlissiori ancl Distribution "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 151414
Doc. No : ET23206
Main Entry : Systems. (L1a.y 2000)
Title Proper : . \ h i toring ancl Opti tnizatiorl of t'o~vcr Transnlissiori ancl Distribution
Note : This document is digital این مدرک بصورت الکترونیکی می باشد
Abstract : Ui: investigate the state cst irtlatiori applicatiotl and prcscrit tlctails oE t hc niod-if ed iniplerricn~ittiot~ to ;~.ccourlt fir raro types of power flow corltnollors. Issues ofobservabili ty. robust ncss against bad data. i ni t idizat ion arid corivergericc ctiaritctor-istics arc C ~ ~ S C ~ ~ S S C C ~ within this tli..;stm.atiorl.Wt pn!sc:rit it tracking 5tnt.r rst.iniator for systxnls uptmt irlg untlcr riori-sinusoithlbut prriotlic s tcatly state contli t ions. 'The pn~posal cwiniator is tlcsigriccl to bc conipu-t,ationally efficient by transforn~irig tho rnc~tsurcnic:rit cquations in H spccial mimriclrso that ctic sparsky of tht: correspording cliscrctc! tinic niat,ri... equations is sigifi-cantly cntlanced. Zero injection constraints arc also incluclctl to take aclvaritagc oft. hc iricrcascd reclunclancy.LVe prcserit an algebraic nict, hod that uscs t hc t,riangular factors of singular. sym-nictric gain niatriv to determine the observable islands o l a measured power systcm.This is accomplishecl in a rim-iterative manner via the use of selected rows of theiriversc Factors. Implementation of the proposed met hod presents little additional....-....,....-...,..tested for theQ1 PC1 bus cardBoth these projects mere sofixare des elopment efforts tonards contributing to dlfferentaspects of Roboucs and lZ1echatronics projects m the Controls and Roboucs Group..
Subject : Electericl tess
: برق
electronic file name : TL46442.pdf
Title and statement of responsibility and : . \ h i toring ancl Opti tnizatiorl of t'o~vcr Transnlissiori ancl Distribution [Thesis]
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