رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Learning to Better Coordinate in Joint Activities "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 151406
Doc. No : ET23198
Main Entry : Andrew Eliot Garland
Title Proper : Learning to Better Coordinate in Joint Activities
Note : This document is digital این مدرک بصورت الکترونیکی می باشد
Abstract : Research un groups of ageuts that. work together is a large and growing field. AIIrr~rhr~ic.nt a1 tlifficdty f ~ ~ c ~ d by such agents is flow to rfficicrit ly coorrlinntr their effortsi v i t I1 t lloscb of other participants. This cuordination prvblem is hot 11 ubiquitous mcic~l~irllc~@~lg. cspccially in enviro~mlerits where agents have lirnited kno~vletlge about., L I I ( ~ corit rol o\*cr. ot llcr agents and the ~vorld arou~ld t henoordinat io11 problenis are constant faced. arid solved. in the course of jointa r f ~ r ~ t ~ ~ s ranging fro111 everday settings such as corivcrsations and stlopping to highlysr riicturccl settings such as musical erise~nbles or attiletic teains. llucll research hasti)c.rlsc.cl on tccllniq~ies that allow agents to efficiently solve coordination problemsu-i t h the hclp o f common built-in knowlcclge.This fisscrt at iorl 1 uilcls on those efforts by showirig that clistributed learning is,111 c1ffcc-t ivc. ;uiclit ion to. aucl possible replaccnicnt for. built-in kno~vledge. LearningIS a11 i~nporta~lt part of individual agents acti~....-....,....-...,..tested for theQ1 PC1 bus cardBoth these projects mere sofixare des elopment efforts tonards contributing to dlfferentaspects of Roboucs and lZ1echatronics projects m the Controls and Roboucs Group..
Subject : Electericl tess
: برق
electronic file name : TL46434.pdf
Title and statement of responsibility and : Learning to Better Coordinate in Joint Activities [Thesis]
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