رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Measuring Closeness to Singularities of Parallel Manipulators with Application to the Design of Redundant Actuation "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 149919
Doc. No : ET21711
Main Entry : Philip A. Voglewede
Title Proper : Measuring Closeness to Singularities of Parallel Manipulators with Application to the Design of Redundant Actuation
Note : This document is digital این مدرک بصورت الکترونیکی می باشد
Abstract : r l t a plat,forrrr singularity, a 1c;~1~;111d rr~;rtlill~ll;rt,or loscs constraint,. htltlingredu~~dant acbuabior~ iu an cxistiug k g or lie\\. Irg can elirninat,e these types ufsingul;~rit,ies. Horrcwr, ~.cdtulcla~~t. rr~;rtlilv~ll;~l.ot.s ha\v I J ~ ~ I I tlrsiglietl with littlcattent,ion t o frame irivariarlt trchniqurs.111 this dissert,at,ion. plysic.irlly rr~cm~ir~gfi~l rrlcwllrchs for rlosc~r~c~ss to sirlg~~larit irs iur~o~~-l.~cluucla~~t, rr~;rtlildlll;rt~ors arc tlc~\~c~lopc~l. TKO sucl~ framcmorlts arc co~~sl~uctccl.The first frarrie~rork is a const,rained optirriizat~io~l problrm that unifies strtm~i~~glyun~clat,ccl csist,ing measures aud facilitates tlc~\~c~lol-rr~c~tlt of rlcw rncasurcs. T l ~ c scco~lclis a clearance propagat,ion trchnique l~ased on workspace gcncrntion.These closeness measures are expanded lu include rrdl~ndmcy and thus can beused as ol,jcct,ivc: furict,ioris for tlrsigliii~g..tested for theQ1 PC1 bus cardBoth these projects mere sofixare des elopment efforts tonards contributing to dlfferentaspects of Roboucs and lZ1echatronics projects m the Controls and Roboucs Group..
Subject : Electericl tess
: برق
Title and statement of responsibility and : Measuring Closeness to Singularities of Parallel Manipulators with Application to the Design of Redundant Actuation [Thesis]
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